Cost Of: |
Small House (e.g. 2 bed 1 bath) |
Medium House (e.g. 3 bed 1.5 bath) |
Large House (e.g. 4 bed 2.5 bath) |
Recurring Visit |
$100-150 |
$140-180 |
$180-220 |
One Time Cleaning |
$150-200 |
$180-250 |
$220-320 |
Deep Cleaning |
$200-400 |
$250-450 |
$300-500 |
Purchase the amount you can afford! Whether it's $25 to help with a single visit cost or $1000 that would likely provide cleaning service for a year. It is difficult to estimate how much it will cost to clean your friend or relative's house. In general a complete standard cleaning service starts at $100 and for deep cleanings of large houses the cost can go up to $500. However, you can purchase a gift certificate for any amount. We will happily work with the recipient to provide service equal to the value of your gift, or if they want additional cleaning services, they can apply the certificate toward the total cost. If you are still wondering what amount to purchase, please give us a call at 401.533.8074 and we will be glad to assist you.
MAIN OFFICELife Maid Simple
1027 Waterman Ave, East Providence, RI 02914 RI SOUTH LOCATIONLife Maid Simple
2843 South County Trail Suite 122 East Greenwich, RI 02818 |
OFFICE HoursM-F: 8am - 4:30pm